God is Love (1 John 4:8)

Dr. Bridget Erhabor is a Seasoned Minister of the Gospel, Overseeing Love Foundation International alongside her Husband, Pastor Daniel Erhabor.

The ministry, in over thirty years, has spread through Africa to the US and Europe, reaching thousands with the Love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ. Bridget, a Pastor at the Love Foundation Church USA, believes that all that truly counts at the end of the day is loving God and loving people.

She and her husband are blessed with eight anointed children.

Prayer Request

God’s Love has provided all you need (Ephesians 1:3).
Just ask Him. We will believe with you.


True Love: More Than A Love Affair

About the Book

The word love is used loosely and casually; people say they love their cars and in the same breath say they love their spouses or family members too. It’s no wonder they go from relationship to relationship and marriage to marriage just like they change cars. We enjoy things but love people. This is the mindset that will keep us from treating people like objects and discarding them when we are done. Whenever people hear “true love” they immediately think “soulmate” because many have not fully come to understand true love. It’s no secret that many who believed they had found their soulmate were sadly disappointed when it could not hold up under the pressures of life and the relationship they thought would last forever came to an end.

No... Where Are You Really From?

About the Book

Our country of birth is not our true place of origin. We are all spirits who live in a body so we can occupy Earth for a brief season. So, where are you really from? Knowing and living in the reality of the right answer to this question makes all the difference in the world in determining the experiences we have here on Earth-powerful or pitiful. Our true heritage and lineage is of Christ. Christians must fully understand this if we, as a body, are to walk in the fullness of who we are in Christ here on Earth.


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