The Happiest People on Earth

Because of the love of God toward us, we have everything we’ll ever need for life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3). So, we are and should be the happiest people on earth, but sad to say, this is not the case with some Christians.

Our countenance and actions should always reflect the Peace and Joy of the Lord even in rough times.

It sounds easier said than done but it is still the truth. Someone once said that Christians need to notify their faces that they are born again—and I thought that was interesting. The only problem with that is the Bible says “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34), which also means that it is what you have in your heart that will show on your face, through actions and reactions.

The Bible talks about the Joy of the Lord. This joy is not just about how great things are going around you, it is about the peace and assurance that we have in Him that no matter what things look like now, everything will be okay.

It is very easy to put on any kind of face that you want people to see, but the question is as Christians are we supposed to put on faces? The answer is “NO”! So what do you do when you can’t get yourself to be happy in the face of trials?

Answer—get a right understanding of who you are and what you have in Christ as a born again believer by study of the word and having certain questions answered by the holy ghost or your spiritual leader. This is important because if you have this understanding, no matter what you are going through you will not need to put on a face, instead, you will be able to allow the real you show forth and it will no doubt be a testimony to the world about what you have on the inside—the Joy of the Lord. This understanding id what will cause you to always have a joyful countenance.

You may not like what is going on about a particular situation but that should not affect anything else because then you lose your peace and joy which will rob you of your ability to walk by faith in/for anything. When you are not working by faith there are no guarantees…

One thing to note to note is that even though there is a difference between happiness—which results from positive events, and joy—which is from the Spirit, irrespective of what is going on around you, having the Joy of the Lord in your heart is so powerful that it will force contrary situations in your life to begin turn around for good for you. How does this work you may ask? Well the Bible says in (Ps 37:4) delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your heart.

Don’t focus on how bad the situation is, but on the goodness/things of the Lord. The thing that are seen are temporary but the unseen is eternal (2 Cor 4:18). Anytime you focus on anything, it becomes magnified, in other words, if you focus on your problems it begins to look impossible, but when you focus God you see possibilities, solutions or a way out. God will always make a way when there was none. That is why the Bible says we should magnify the Lord; it will produce happiness even when you are still going through because somehow in the midst of the turbulent waters you can see the shore.

If you are not already on board the ship of the happiest people of on earth I invite you to join, but if you are and are still always downcast I encourage you to meditate on the scriptures in this teaching as well as related scriptures in the Word of God e.g. (2 Cor 4:18) and your joy will not only be a witness to the world but soon you will be able to say sincerely I am on of the happiest people in the world!

© 2023 Bridget Erhabor.